Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Want To

So...I did it again. The BMW Dallas Marathon was today. Not the 5k but the marathon, marathon where the runners run 26 mile. I say 26 miles. But I'm not a runner. I'm a power walker and thick girl jogger. So ya girl did another 5k and guess what? I beat yesterday's time!!!! Yesterday I would have come in 809th place at a whooping speed of 46.06 minutes. Today, I held down 764th place at a lighting fast speed of 43.04 minutes. What? How I am just going to shave 3.02 minutes off my time in less than 24 hours? Because I wanted to.

That statement within itself is sobering because it tells me that when I WANT TO DO something, I DO IT. The other sobering part about that statement is that I realize that I really haven't WANTED TO lose weight. Don't get me wrong. I don't like the fact that I weigh 25 lbs. more than two time Super Bowl champion and Hall of Famer, Deion Sanders. But the truth is that I do. Which means I WANT TO. That sounds strange but I have to be truthful to myself and so should you. 

Why is it that we want to be overweight? Don't get me wrong. I have no desire to be anything smaller than a 10, maybe a 12 and most definitely a 14. I enjoy being the thick chick that always gets double takes. That's fine. But at some point, I am going to have to WANT TO stay in shape. In season, and out. No pun intended Mr. Sanders. Thick chicks, you and I are going to have to get this thang together. If you down, then I'll ride with you. No pun intended. #bmwdallasmarathon2019

Saturday, December 8, 2018

BMW Dallas Marathon

So I did it again. I found out about the BMW Dallas Marathon yesterday afternoon. And don't get me wrong. Had I have found out sooner, I would not have attended. But I so enjoy using the excuse that I didn't find out until the day before. Makes my thick girl flesh feel a little better about not being there. But I didn't let that stop me from participating...virtually! 

Yep! Ya girl did it again. Just like I participated in the Komen Race for the Cure from home in October, in true thick chick fashion, I did the same for this BMW Dallas Marathon. In fact, this is my second 5k this year. Technically, it's my second in two months. Yep 2 for 2 baby! I'm outchea mane! Say what you want, but the fact that I participated from the house says a lot and means a lot to me. I mean yeah, I won't get the bonus medal, coffee mug, hat or the customer finisher jacket. But I did participate.

And judging by the results, I would have come in 809th place, right after Karole J. (807th place) and Zach S. (808th place) who came in at 46:04 and 46:05 respectively. Whoo hoo! That's pretty good. Mr. Rodolfo M came in at 962nd place at 1.35:21. And to him I salute because at least he was there.

That does say 3 miles in 46.06 minutes. #what

But all that aside, don't let the fact that you're out of shape or broke stop you from doing what you really want to do. Do I like saying that I virtually participated in two 5k's this year...yes. But that's not the point. The point is that I didn't let any of that stop me. I participated anyway; even if it was shade tree. And so should you. Whatever it is you want to do, do it; even if it is a shade tree version. 2019 is coming so put a real time and virtual (shade tree) plan together of what it is you're going to do. Then just do it. #letsgo #thickchicksrock #thickchicksandwellness #thickhealthychicks

Be sure to follow me on the Gram @ thickchicksandwellness

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Just Enough

Good morning thick chicks! It's Small Business Saturday and I just walked 3.3 miles and ordinarily I should feel good about it. But I don't. Why? Inconsistency. I haven't written and neither have I worked out consistently in weeks. As you well know, if you're a faithful reader, I've done this pretty regularly. Start strong, lose momentum, fall off, but do just enough so that I don't actually quit. Yeah. I did that again. Only this time, it's different. Where I failed in this area, I've taken huge strides in others. Not going to go into any details, but just thought I'd drop in to tell you keep at it. Even if you do just enough, that's truly enough...for now.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

ReBecca Theodore-Vachon's Plus Sized Essay

If you haven't already, this article is a must-read
To me it wasn't just a black or white issue, though that should be duly noted, but one of inclusion; 
as in don't forget about me. Bravo my dear sister. Bravo!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Komen Race for the Cure

So I didn't find out about the Komen Race for the Cure until last night. Woke up at 3:47am, prayed and listened to the Word until after 5am. Dozed off and woke up again at 7:52am; 8 minutes before the race. Knowing that I had no time to make it to starting line, neither did I intend to, I quickly put on my sneakers, left my hair in plaits, and got on the treadmill to virtually support the cause. Mind you I have a 5k on my Vision Board. But my intention is to jog a 5k. Didn't know that God would let me walk one this morning...virtually.

Yesterday, during the report, I heard a snippet of a speech keynote Eric Stonestreet give about the race that caught my attention. He said that it wasn't just about finding the cure, but managing the disease while still being able to live a productive life. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Because you can become cynical and think, 'After all these years and with all that money, y'all still haven't found a cure?' But as I've learned, God doesn't always heal in a moment. Sometimes the cure comes in the process of time.  

Healing Takes Time

Healing is not to be confused with the miraculous. A miracle is a supernatural event that happens in a moment of time. Again, healing oftentimes occurs in the process of time. Take the woman with the issue of blood. Matthew 9:19-22 says, ‘And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind Him, and touched the hem of His garment: For she said within herself, "If I may but touch His garment, I shall be whole." But Jesus turned Him about, and when He saw her, He said, Daughter, be of good comfort; [your] faith has made you whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.’ She could have been experiencing any number of things; from Hemorrhaging, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, infections in her pelvic organs which could have been caused by Sexually Transmitted Infections to Uterine Fibroids or cancer of the cervix, uterus, ovaries or vagina.  Whatever her condition, within a matter of minutes, what she’d been struggling with for twelve years, was gone instantly. But again, oftentimes, healing doesn’t happen that way.  

Though you can have both, a miraculous healing, it may not happen all at once. I don’t want to leave you with the impression that yours will. Neither do I want you to be discouraged if after reading this post you still experience symptoms. Because if you do, that doesn’t mean you’re not healed.  It just means that you are ‘a-wenting’. A term coined by one the greatest healing Evangelists of our time, the late Dr. Oral Roberts.  He used this term because in Luke 17:11-14, we find ten lepers. “…[Jesus]…met…ten men who were lepers…and they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”…So…He said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priests.” And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed.” Notice the lepers were healed…as they went.  

Recovery Mode  

As they went infers that they weren't cleansed on the spot. This is because their healing came in the process of time. And though immediate miracles do occur, more often than not, God will heal you through recovery. Right now, you may be in pain and/or experiencing symptoms. But that does not negate the fact that you're healed! You're simply in recovery mode which could take weeks, months, or even years. But until you receive the full manifestation of your healing, don't be fearful if the doctor's report doesn't change, and don't be discouraged if you still experience symptoms. Just remember to keep doing your job which is to believe, ' Him whom [God] sent.' No matter the diagnosis and no matter the symptoms, you are healed. You're just in recovery mode.

Bro. Kenneth Copeland explains it this way. He said one day he asked God why it was that when he laid hands on some, they were instantly healed, while others walked away in the same condition. God spoke to his heart and said that, 'Healing always comes.' He assured Bro. Copeland that as long as he released his faith, whether they received it then or ten years later, healing would still be available whenever their faith level was ready to receive it. I know that to be true because I too am a Stage IV child cancer survivor. Though I lost my eye to Retinablastoma in 1976, I still have great vision today. When the specialists said that removing the tumor would either cause death, immobility or blindness, God honored the mustard seed faith of my grandmother and kept her grand baby alive. Though I've never supported Komen in the past, I am so thankful that I got to virtually do so today; via treadmill and prayer because I too am a cancer survivor. So thick chicks, no matter your weight or condition, know that God is a healer!

 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Publishing®. All rights reserved

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Temporarily Stopping My High-Intensity-For-a-Big-Girl-Workout

Hey. I mean hey there! I'm a little sheepish because I haven't posted since July 9th. Oh, I've been working out since then. But since that time, I slowly stopped my intensity. In fact, on August 1st, I'd gotten up to up to 2.393 miles and even got to 2.5 miles on August 3rd. 

Proof that ya girl was doin' her thing!
But since August 3rd, my workouts have slowly deteriorated. Though I didn't stop all together, because I kept walking to do my errands, but even that was down to a light stroll. I haven't actually worked, worked out since August 3rd. And for that my dear readers, I apologize. That the bad news.

The good news is that I stopped eating sugar and meat. I decided that September would be my NO month. So might be wondering how that's going. Well, I replaced the sugar with sugar free which means I bought some sugar free fruit and chocolate popsicles. Then I went vegan. NO, I'm not vegan, vegan; meaning, I still get my dairy on. But I haven't eaten any meat since August 31st. But get this, I hadn't really been working out since August 3rd and I started my NO month this month and guess how much I weigh? 220lbs! What? Yep! During the time I wasn't working out, which would have been part of July and all of August, I had gotten up to 235lbs. 2-3-5. So me doing this no sugar and no meat thing has gotten me down 15lbs - without exercise. I shouldn't say without working out because I did get my light stroll on 2 to 3 times a week. But 15 pounds. Man I feel like I'm a size 12 right now. But that's not why I'm writing today.

I'm writing to say don't quit. If you're like me you peak, stop, and have to repeat. Not anymore. The quitter in me is dead. I'm not going to quit fighting this battle of the bulge and neither should you. So what if you aren't doing your high intensity for a big-girl workout anymore. Do a so-what-I'm-thick-and-I'm finna walk slow on y'all boys workout instead. But again, don't quit. You've got time, just don't waste it condemning yourself. Just be sure to do one little thing regularly during those down moments when you want to quit. And remember, big or slim thick, you still rock.

Today's Workout after 46 days of down time!
 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Celebrating 30 Seconds!

I know you can't see it,but I added 30 seconds to my workout today. 30 whole seconds

I know you might be thinking, 'So what?' But I've learned that you have to celebrate the small victories along the way. Even the tinny, tiny ones when it comes to working out. Remember in my post, 'No More Comin' Round That Mountain', that I mentioned how Joyce Meyer, bestselling Author and televangelist, said people are salty because they don't take the time to set goals and enjoy their small victories along the way; so they watch, hate and shade those that do. No, she didn't say it that way but that's the way I took it. Anywho...we have to take the time to celebrate one extra minute on the treadmill or thirty seconds of jogging because usually we celebrate when we see the before and after.

We've all been on the Gram and seen a before pic of a thick chick and was like, 'Wud? You go girl!' Then kept scrolling thinking, 'I wish that was me.' But it can be, if you'd start. Just start girl. And when you add an extra squat, rep or few seconds to your workout, celebrate it. Don't matter if folk think you're crazy or not. Quiet as it's kept, they think you special anyway because you're so thick. So why not give 'em something to be positively salty about? I'm telling you, this weight loss thing doesn't have to be as technical and scientific as most would make it out to be. Lose your weight your way. Just be sure to celebrate the little you's along the way. 

 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Hypocritically Healthy

Yay me! I've lost about 6 lbs. To us thick girls, 6 lbs is like 16! I don't know how I'm doing it, other than I'm not eating as much as I used to. I guess it's portion control; only, I'm not really trying to control my portions. In that, its not deliberate...well maybe it is. But it's nothing elaborate. You know how they tell you to buy the containers and precook your meals for a week? Yeah, its NOTHING like that. I'm just not eating 2 or 3 chicken breasts at a time. Instead, I'm butterflying one and telling myself its the same. A part of me wants to feel guilty for sharing my good news because you might not be doing so well. And if you aren't, that's okay. Everybody falls off every now and then. You'll be back on your grind in a minute. Until then don't feel guilty. 

But I wanted to share with you an article I read in The Atlantic about 'Being Black in Anerica Can Be Hazardous to Your Health'. In it, Kiarra, a 27-year-old receptionist for Maryland Community Health Initiatives who was 200 pounds overweight brought up a point I think many struggle with. She said that she 'worried that if she lost too much weight, the other girls in the club would think she was a hypocrite1.' She'd 'founded a club for plus-size women called Beautiful Beyond Weight, with some of her best friends. The goal was to help overweight women feel better about themselves. They put on fashion shows that she described as “Beyoncé big, but on a Christina Aguilera budget2.” Her desire to not be hypocritical was one of the reasons she remained overweight. And if the truth be told, some of you do too.

It's like the stripper who wants to stop stripping but she's afraid to leave the life because she's not sure how she'll take care of herself. She feels God tugging on her heart, but she doesn't trust Him enough to walk away. That's what can happen in this plus-size world of ours. We get used to being overweight, sitting a certain way, looking how we look all while eating what we want to eat. Only we know we want to get fine. Besides that, we know its best for our health that we do. But some excuse it and stay fluffy because they're too comfortable with who they've become. But can I tell you something? You will always be a thick girl at heart even if you lose all that weight. You know why? Because that big girl will motivate you to stay fine and help other big girls get like you

We're not supposed to stay fat. That's not the goal. I'm not saying become a size 2 or 6, but get to a weight where you know you're where you want to be; even if that's a size 18 or 26. Your goals aren't everyone else's. But don't let theirs keep you trapped in a body that's ready to come out. 
 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Khazan, Olga. “Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.” 
The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 21 June 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

2nd Selfie Ever

Hey there! You know what I decided to do...take a picture. I know that sounds silly, but I don't do pics. In fact, this is my second selfie...E-V-E-R. #frfr And what's even more weird is that this is the first pic I've taken in probably years. Yep! Years. Why you might wonder? One, because I am VERY PRIVATE. I'm not much for attention. Hence, this explains why I've been celibate for 15 years. Oh, I forgot, you didn't know that about me. Well, I told you I was private. Besides, I wrote a book about my celibacy journey, 'Real Sex Issues: Real Talk About Life Before, During, and After Sex.' But back to my thick girl journey. Here recently, in my prayer time, God let me know that I need to come out of the shadows and into the light. My invisible days are over but He's been so patient with me so that I can do it at my own pace. So without any further adieu, here goes.


Yeah, I know you can't see much, but that's the point. I'm letting you see what I want you see. I know it's not much of a selfie, but its me coming out of my cocoon. Peaking out of my bubble and doing slow motion and the same is true for your weight loss. Your thick girl weight loss journey doesn't have to be the same as everybody elses. I see so many pics of folk in the gym, flexin'; showing pics of water bottles and plates. That's good and all. But sometimes you need to just ease in that thang. Your weight loss journey ain't everybody's business. But there will come a time when folk will need to see who you're becoming and its for that reason that I'm posting this pic. It's small strides y'all that make a difference. Me posting this pic is a huge stride for ya girl. Hope it inspires you to do the same.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Self-Sabotaging Dreams

Welp! I almost did it to myself again. What you might ask? Self-sabotage. I haven't jogged since Wednesday, June 6th. On that day, I jogged 2.267 miles for 34.05 minutes, but I haven't jogged since. Now, don't get me wrong. I didn't (and won't) totally self-destruct. I have worked out during that time. I'd walk outside at least two to three times a week; all the while, knowing I needed to get back on that treadmill because I wasn't just jogging to be jogging; I was jogging towards a dream.

Goals Turn Into Dreams

For some reason, since I left that dream of running on the track back in the 80's, that desire to run has not left. As I explained in 'Quitting out of Pride',  though I quit the team, that desire to run a marathon won't go away. Only it's morphed into a 5k which is what I've set out to do. But I thought it was only a goal. You know, something I can say I've achieved. But I now see that the goal has turned into a dream. A dream of running a 5k. To some that may sound small, but to me, its huge. That's because for so long, I've had a tendency to self-sabotage before I get there. I went two whole weeks without jogging. To you, that may sound ridiculous. To me, its a milestone because in the past, I'd go several months. To have it narrowed down to two weeks, is life-changing. My point. Don't self sabotage your progress. If you go one or two weeks without working out extra hard, that's okay. But in the meantime, between time, do something! That's your body. You don't have to lose your weight the same way everybody else does. Do you. Just remember, your weight loss is more than just a goal, its a dream that will eventually come soon or as late as you want it to.

P.S. I almost forgot to tell you. After that two week break, ya girl did this...and so can you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

No More Comin' Round That Mountain

So, I'm learning to celebrate the small victories along the way and so should you. My small victory...

I'm at 34 minutes and 2.262 miles!!!!! What? Yep! Ya girl on her way to 5k. 

Though I wasn't planning on celebrating until I got there, I watched, 'Enjoying Everyday Life' this morning and Joyce Meyer said we needed to do so because this is why people are so salty. They're salty because they don't take the time to set goals and enjoy their small victories along the way; so they watch, hate and shade those that do. No, she didn't say it like that, but that's what I got out of it. Though I was never a hater, I will celebrate this small, yet monumentous  milestone. #nopunintended 

Wanting to Prepare 

I've been wanting to PREPARE to run a 5k for over twenty years. Notice I said wanting. I know that sounds bad, but its the truth. My weight has fluctuated so much that I'd only get so far, quit, gain the weight back, not work out for a while, work out, get so far, quit, gain the weight back and go round and round the 5k mountain for almost 20 years. Almost half the time the children of Israel kept circling their mountain due to disobedience and unbelief. Much like them, I too have been disobedient and circling this 5k mountain but...ya girl about to get loose. Yep! Less than three laps to go and I'm there! No more 'comin' round that mountain here she comes for me!

What's Your Mountain?

Whatever it is, take it slow and get it out the way. Yeah, it took me 27 days to add one minute to my jog.  But that minute is saving me years of not having to go around the 5k mountain again. Whatever you need to do to get past yours, do a little something every now and then. No, I don't jog everyday. In fact, the most I usually jog up to 2-4 times a week. But I keep my pace (4.0) and add a minute every few weeks. Try it! I'm telling you it works. You don't have to go at everybody else's speed. Do what comes naturally to your body type and weight; no matter how slow and awkward you you and know that I'm cheering for you every step of the way.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Need for Activity

The last time I jogged was Tuesday, May 15th. I jogged for 33 minutes for a total of 2.196 miles. Well, a friend of mine had an emergency and is staying with me for a while which has set my workout schedule off. Not really. I just used it as an excuse not to workout. Don't you appreciate my honesty? :) Well, today was the first time I've jogged in a week and my body can tell. I jogged 2.128 miles for a total of 32 minutes; only because I didn't remember I stepped my game up last week to 33. But can I tell you, that week tried it! I mean really tried it! My breathing wasn't as sync and I had to take a deep breath at 1.75 miles. I'm thinking, WTW?!? Then I began to see that inactivity takes a toll on your body. I was down for seven days and my body was like, 'Oh this what we doin'? Now I understand why people worked out on their vacations.

All in all, today was pretty monumental for me. I see that I have to do something every other day if not daily in order to stay active. Even if I wasn't trying to lose a few pounds, I gotta do something to keep this 47-year-old body of mine going. Now I understand why no one wants to grow old. It's because when you get to a certain age, you think you no longer have to be active and when you succumb to that way of thinking, here comes the aches, pains, and fat. Oh, but I have said for years that I'm gonna be hot, even into my 90's and beyond should the Lord tarry. Now I know how to ensure I do. What a day this has been. Who knew I'd get an explanation of why I haven't been able to lose weight and how to grow old gracefully; all in one workout.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Plus Sized Billboard Music Awards

Last night I watched the Billboard Music Awards and I must say, I was impressed. Not with the performers because to be honest, the majority weren't what I expected. I must say though, that dat gum J-Lo did her thing and Ms. Jackson didn't have to do anything but show up. Aside from all that, what I was most impressed with is the audaciousness of their presenting committee. I don't know if they even have a committee that votes on its presenters, but whoever was in charge, kudos to you because I have N-E-V-E-R seen thick girls represented on prime time national television like that before. When I saw, Chrissy Metz from the hit television drama, 'This Is Us', come through that tunnel givin' it to us with that black little number, I was like 'Kill 'em with the shoulders ma'am.' 

Photo Credit: Make a Gif
What shocked me the most is that she stood there like she belonged there and you know what; she does. In fact, we all do! Usually in those situations you can tell that the person is a little uncomfortable, but not Ms. Chrissy! She literally graced the stage and was unashamed. And why should she be? She gave me all the inspiration I needed for the night.

Photo Credit: Getty Images
And when actress Rebel Wilson prounced down the walkway wearing her royal I was done! She owned that dress and rightfully so. She was stunning and unapologetic. #literally Singer Kelly Clarkson even had a few sprinkled as her background singers.

Photo Credit:
Ultimately, last night was a good night for plus sized women.Though I came for the music, I stayed for the plus sized fashions. Last night did me good. Though I'm still trying to lose weight, I have no problems about all this thick goodness. Those women displayed courage, boldness, and so-what-ness in the face of music industry mini's. No shade, but can a thick girl get some grade-A camera time too? Thank you to Ms. Chrissy and Ms. Rebel. Y'all just don't know...a sista sholl needed that! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Chasing Our Old Bodies

I was watching an interview on the Megyn Kelly show of swimsuit model Mia Kang when something she said got me to thinking. She said that she felt like the fashion industry made her feel like she needed to keep her 17-year-old body at 27. She said that she'd stopped eating solid foods for several years and it had gotten to the point where her body was fighting back. When I heard that I realized that our bodies do the same. Her body was telling her it was time for her to let it grow into the stunning 27-year-old model that she was. Most in that industry continue to stunt their growth, but the courage it took for her to no longer resist what her body intended was eye-opening for me.

I realized that God intended for our bodies to develop over time. We thought after a woman has her period she stops growing. And though true, we still have some developing to do; even into old age. But when you think about it, we've all tried to do what Mia did. In fact, its for that reason that we all chase our old bodies. I'm 47 and I'm still reminded of my 32-year-old body.

Old me, circa I don't remember
It's like we all want our old bodies back. But when you think about it, no one would force a 9-year-old to keep their 4-year-old body and neither would we demand that a 2-year-old go back to infancy. Yet we chase our old bodies with that same delusion in mind. #notmeanymore Here recently I've embraced my curves. Though I'd like to lose my gut, I'm liking my fluffiness and this wagon I'm draggin'. Thank you Mia for helping this make sense. I think I'm gonna let that old body dream go and embrace and be thankful for the body I have. All 220 lbs of it. #ilikeme #stillgonnaloseweighttho

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

On My Way to 5k

As I told you in 'Quitting out of Pride', I mentioned that I've always wanted to run a marathon. But after careful consideration, I decided that I really didn't want to run six and a half hours. I then decided that a 5k would suffice. I officially started to train...well not train because that would leave you with the impression that I'm eating right and I'm not...kinda...sorta..but not really. Any who, I am jogging though and as of today, I'm at 2 miles. It took me 74 days of off and on jogging to get there, but ya girl made it. #ayeaye Just had to share.

5/12/18 - Had to take a pic. Just for my records. :)


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

No More Walks of Shame

So, today I had a few errands to run and decided to do my morning walk while I was at it. Remember, when I told you that the message I heard about not being ashamed of gospel also applied to me not being ashamed of my body? Well, instead of trying to wear a loose fitting blouse, I put on a modest, form-fitting top with my cargo shorts and went about my business. Usually, I examine my side view in the mirror before leaving. After which, my usual comment is, 'Girl, if you loose that stomach, you'll be right.' But not this morning. I admired the view and went to walking. I noticed that as I did I wasn't self-conscious, constantly tugging on my top or trying to suck in my stomach. I just let it go. Not worried about nothing and nobody and I must say, I feel liberated.  If you would have asked me if I was ashamed of my body before, I probably would have told you no. But after receiving the Word, I now know that deep down I was. And I encourage you to ask yourself the same question? If you are, then re-read my last two posts, 'Body Shaming and Big Girls' and 'The Guilt of Dietary Transgressions.' Hopefully, you'll get a revelation that if God's not ashamed of your body, you shouldn't be either.

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Guilt of Dietary Transgressions

In my last post, I was sharing my aha moment of no longer being ashamed of my body. When Keith Moore, Pastor of Faith Life Church Sarasota taught about Romans 1:16, 'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes' and how God doesn't want us to be ashamed, my mindset changed. I saw that not only does God not want us ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ but He doesn't want us to be ashamed of anything, including our bodies. But then he asked a critical question and that's what's the motivation behind shame? When you think about, shame has two m.o.'s: (1) to humiliate and (2) to condemn. Therefore, if the motivation of shame is to condemn, could that in fact be the answer to our weight loss problem? Did we allow nutrition experts and personal trainers to tell us the number of calories and carbs we should consume daily only to feel guilty or condemned when we exceeded our caloric intake?  If so, us feeling condemned or being guilted only hurt our weight loss efforts even further, simply because we were no longer operating in faith in God to help us take care of our bodies, but were now operating in condemnation. But how?

Condemnation and Overeating
Oh don't play innocent girlfriend. You know when you eat that extra piece of cake or that extra slice of pizza, that inwardly and instinctively, you feel bad. Which is God's point exactly. Condemnation is the opposite of faith which means anytime we feel guilty about our indulgences, we won't be able to get back on track if we continue to carry the weight of our dietary transgressions. This is not to say that we should take pride in our over indulgences. But what we are to do, is instead of feeling guilty afterwards, we should immediately ask God to forgive us. And I know what you're thinking. 'You mean I have to ask God to forgive me for overeating?' Yes, and here's why. 

Solving the Last Bite Dilemma 

Romans 14:23 says, 'But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith; for whatever is not from faith is sin.' In other words, the bite before the bite that you decided you were going to take a few more bites is the moment you got out of faith and into sin. This is because you were no longer eating by faith - consuming what you needed. You crossed over into excess which means, you knew the next few bites weren't needed and you were just eating to be eating. And if you're honest, then you'll have to admit that once you finished that last bite, you felt guilty. How do I know? I've done it thousands of times. Before I took that infamous bite, I could have used my faith and saved those last bites for later. But instead, I took the bite that led to a few more bites which led to me feeling guilty. What about you? 

And this is what Romans 14:23 is talking about; '...he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because he does not eat from faith...' Before taking the bite that decides if that will be the last bite, we should decide if we're full (in faith) or if we're eating just to be eating (in sin). If you make the decision to go for it, then do something about it - immediately. I know it sounds silly and a bit much, but trust me, it works. Immediately afterwards, ask God to forgive you for eating when you were no longer hungry. Ask Him to forgive you for not letting patience have her perfect work and waiting until later to savor those next few morsels and watch how your thinking will change. I'm not saying this is the silver bullet or will solve your weight loss problem. But it will salve your guilty conscious.

Body Shaming and Big Girls

I heard Keith Moore, Pastor of Faith Life Church Sarasota, say that we shouldn't tell anyone they should be ashamed of themselves and neither should we carry any shame. Which got me to thinking; this would include body shaming. When I thought about that, I realized that also means that I shouldn't be ashamed of all my lumps and bumps either. So where does body shaming come from? Where did we as women, get to the point where we are ashamed of our own bodies?  

Don't Be Ashamed of Your Breast-teses

Unfortunately, the fashion and entertainment industry has done an outstanding job of bombarding us with images of what our bodies should look like. Over the years, that body type has gotten thinner and thinner; so much so, that the body types now are androgynous which means they are a combination of both male and female body shapes. Which when you think about it is actually unfair to women and especially to women of color. To put models, who can pass for both male and female, (#noshade) does a disservice to the breasts, we as women looked so forward to having as little girls. I don't know about you, but I distinctly remember after reading Judy Blume's, 'Hello God, It's Me Margaret', how excited I got about having boobs. 'I must! I must! I must increase my bust!' is what Margaret shouted. Like Margaret, I actually practiced my chest pumps daily until they finally appeared. But as a woman of color, not only are we breasty, but curvy as well; especially when it comes to our hips, buttocks, and thighs. But to now be shamed into believing that because I did my Margaret inspired exercises and obtained the D cups I so anxiously waited for, along with a lot wagon that I'm dragging, that I shouldn't be afforded the opportunity to wear my plus size clothing just because I have a little more love to handle (i.e. love handles) is simply dehumanizing. 

Werk Girl!

In sum, I thank God for using Bro. Moore to help me see the truth about where I am - physically - in my life. To know that I no longer have to be ashamed when I undress is a gift from God. To know that just because I have abc's instead of abs, doesn't disqualify me from wearing a modest, form-fitting Maxi Dress. And so what if I can't afford a high waist, mid thigh body shaper right now because I'm a solopreneur, that shouldn't mean I can't still be confident and look good. I don't know about you, but this 'not being ashamed' is doing wonders for me. Just writing this is liberating! I'm going to embrace every lump, bump and serving of cottage cheese I have because God's not ashamed of me. He may be a little disappointed with my eating and exercise habits, but He's definitely not ashamed of my body and neither will I and girlfriend, neither should you. Go werk it girl! Use your under arm wings to fly above the haters and body shamers you fabulously fluffy daughter of the Most High God!