Monday, July 9, 2018

Celebrating 30 Seconds!

I know you can't see it,but I added 30 seconds to my workout today. 30 whole seconds

I know you might be thinking, 'So what?' But I've learned that you have to celebrate the small victories along the way. Even the tinny, tiny ones when it comes to working out. Remember in my post, 'No More Comin' Round That Mountain', that I mentioned how Joyce Meyer, bestselling Author and televangelist, said people are salty because they don't take the time to set goals and enjoy their small victories along the way; so they watch, hate and shade those that do. No, she didn't say it that way but that's the way I took it. Anywho...we have to take the time to celebrate one extra minute on the treadmill or thirty seconds of jogging because usually we celebrate when we see the before and after.

We've all been on the Gram and seen a before pic of a thick chick and was like, 'Wud? You go girl!' Then kept scrolling thinking, 'I wish that was me.' But it can be, if you'd start. Just start girl. And when you add an extra squat, rep or few seconds to your workout, celebrate it. Don't matter if folk think you're crazy or not. Quiet as it's kept, they think you special anyway because you're so thick. So why not give 'em something to be positively salty about? I'm telling you, this weight loss thing doesn't have to be as technical and scientific as most would make it out to be. Lose your weight your way. Just be sure to celebrate the little you's along the way. 

 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Hypocritically Healthy

Yay me! I've lost about 6 lbs. To us thick girls, 6 lbs is like 16! I don't know how I'm doing it, other than I'm not eating as much as I used to. I guess it's portion control; only, I'm not really trying to control my portions. In that, its not deliberate...well maybe it is. But it's nothing elaborate. You know how they tell you to buy the containers and precook your meals for a week? Yeah, its NOTHING like that. I'm just not eating 2 or 3 chicken breasts at a time. Instead, I'm butterflying one and telling myself its the same. A part of me wants to feel guilty for sharing my good news because you might not be doing so well. And if you aren't, that's okay. Everybody falls off every now and then. You'll be back on your grind in a minute. Until then don't feel guilty. 

But I wanted to share with you an article I read in The Atlantic about 'Being Black in Anerica Can Be Hazardous to Your Health'. In it, Kiarra, a 27-year-old receptionist for Maryland Community Health Initiatives who was 200 pounds overweight brought up a point I think many struggle with. She said that she 'worried that if she lost too much weight, the other girls in the club would think she was a hypocrite1.' She'd 'founded a club for plus-size women called Beautiful Beyond Weight, with some of her best friends. The goal was to help overweight women feel better about themselves. They put on fashion shows that she described as “BeyoncĂ© big, but on a Christina Aguilera budget2.” Her desire to not be hypocritical was one of the reasons she remained overweight. And if the truth be told, some of you do too.

It's like the stripper who wants to stop stripping but she's afraid to leave the life because she's not sure how she'll take care of herself. She feels God tugging on her heart, but she doesn't trust Him enough to walk away. That's what can happen in this plus-size world of ours. We get used to being overweight, sitting a certain way, looking how we look all while eating what we want to eat. Only we know we want to get fine. Besides that, we know its best for our health that we do. But some excuse it and stay fluffy because they're too comfortable with who they've become. But can I tell you something? You will always be a thick girl at heart even if you lose all that weight. You know why? Because that big girl will motivate you to stay fine and help other big girls get like you

We're not supposed to stay fat. That's not the goal. I'm not saying become a size 2 or 6, but get to a weight where you know you're where you want to be; even if that's a size 18 or 26. Your goals aren't everyone else's. But don't let theirs keep you trapped in a body that's ready to come out. 
 Copyright 2018 © Real Issues Ministries®. All rights reserved.

Khazan, Olga. “Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health.” 
The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 21 June 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

2nd Selfie Ever

Hey there! You know what I decided to do...take a picture. I know that sounds silly, but I don't do pics. In fact, this is my second selfie...E-V-E-R. #frfr And what's even more weird is that this is the first pic I've taken in probably years. Yep! Years. Why you might wonder? One, because I am VERY PRIVATE. I'm not much for attention. Hence, this explains why I've been celibate for 15 years. Oh, I forgot, you didn't know that about me. Well, I told you I was private. Besides, I wrote a book about my celibacy journey, 'Real Sex Issues: Real Talk About Life Before, During, and After Sex.' But back to my thick girl journey. Here recently, in my prayer time, God let me know that I need to come out of the shadows and into the light. My invisible days are over but He's been so patient with me so that I can do it at my own pace. So without any further adieu, here goes.


Yeah, I know you can't see much, but that's the point. I'm letting you see what I want you see. I know it's not much of a selfie, but its me coming out of my cocoon. Peaking out of my bubble and doing slow motion and the same is true for your weight loss. Your thick girl weight loss journey doesn't have to be the same as everybody elses. I see so many pics of folk in the gym, flexin'; showing pics of water bottles and plates. That's good and all. But sometimes you need to just ease in that thang. Your weight loss journey ain't everybody's business. But there will come a time when folk will need to see who you're becoming and its for that reason that I'm posting this pic. It's small strides y'all that make a difference. Me posting this pic is a huge stride for ya girl. Hope it inspires you to do the same.