Wednesday, February 28, 2018

AB-CD is the Goal

I absolutely adore my curves. Seriously. And as such, this time, instead of trying to lose weight, I'm going to work on accentuating those curves. Yep. I'm going to Big Girl Body Shape. Body Shaping is usually for skinny chicks or those trying to bulk up. It's when a Personal Trainer tells a booty-less person to do extra squats, in order to get a little junk. I've decided to take it to a new level and embrace my hips, thighs, and buttocks. Keep the thickness but tone it up. Compliment my slimlike waist with a flat tummy. That way when I look at myself from the side, instead of always thinking, 'If only I could lose that stomach', it'll be that the stomach is gone. You know what I mean?

Long gone are the days of wanting to be 120lbs. While that would be nice...real nice (in my Bernie Mac voice), it is no longer my goal. Why not enjoy the fact that I'm that (in my Mr. Hotspot voice)! And why don't you? Instead of making some far off weight loss goal of 25, 50, or 100 pounds, why don't we accentuate and work on one area at a time? Preferably, our bellies. But here's the thing. I'm not here to provide fitness tips. No ma'am, that's not my call. My assignment is to encourage and inspire you to find your own ab-cd workout. Yes, that's right. For now, we have abcd's! But that's okay. We are going to lose that d and work our way to the c; even if it takes two years. So you with me? Good! Now go find you an ab workout that works for your body type.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Inconsistent Intent

I started this blog on June 11, 2012 with the intention of writing regularly. As you can see, I wrote a total of:

  • 5 posts in 2012,
  • 1 whooping post in 2013
  • None for 2014
  • Zilch for 2015
  • 6 in 2016 and...
  • Zero in 2017
The ironic part about it is that describes much of my weight loss journey; inconsistency. The hard truth about it, is that after 6 years I'm heavier than I was when I started. When I started this blog, I was 170 lbs and for me that was overweight. Fast forward 6 years and I'm 235. 2-3-5. Wait. What now? Yep, 235 lbs. You'd think I'd have it together now especially since I'm no longer a food stamp recipient. I mean the purpose of the blog was to teach those in the hood how to eat healthy. Unfortunately, due to my inconsistency, that didn't turn out so well.  And for that, I apologize. But the last 6 years have not been all bad.

I moved out of state and managed to get down to 146 lbs in 2014. But after another financial crisis and short stint in a homeless shelter, I returned home and gained it all back and then some. But how does that happen? Quite honestly, laziness. You see, I'm not lazy in the usual sense. Believe it or not, I have a stellar work ethic - when it comes to helping and working for others. However, when it comes to Staci Sweet & Company and being the CEO of me, I don't do as well. I take care of, support, and protect everyone else, but usually manage to neglect taking care of myself. So here I go...again...on this weight loss journey. Only this time, I'm going to let this weight stay lost. I have no intention of bringing it back with me or trying to find it again.