So I didn't find out about the Komen Race for the Cure until last night. Woke up at 3:47am, prayed and listened to the Word until after 5am. Dozed off and woke up again at 7:52am; 8 minutes before the race. Knowing that I had no time to make it to starting line, neither did I intend to, I quickly put on my sneakers, left my hair in plaits, and got on the treadmill to virtually support the cause. Mind you I have a 5k on my Vision Board. But my intention is to jog a 5k. Didn't know that God would let me walk one this morning...virtually.

Yesterday, during the report, I heard a snippet of a speech keynote Eric Stonestreet give about the race that caught my attention. He said that it wasn't just about finding the cure, but managing the disease while still being able to live a productive life. That's what I'm talkin' 'bout. Because you can become cynical and think, 'After all these years and with all that money, y'all still haven't found a cure?' But as I've learned, God doesn't always heal in a moment. Sometimes the cure comes in the process of time.
Healing Takes Time
Healing is
not to be confused with the miraculous. A miracle is a supernatural event that happens in a moment of time.
Again, healing oftentimes occurs in the process of time. Take the woman with the issue of blood.
Matthew 9:19-22 says, ‘And, behold, a
woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind Him,
and touched the hem of His garment: For she said within herself, "If I may but
touch His garment, I shall be whole." But Jesus turned Him about, and when He
saw her, He said, Daughter, be of good comfort; [your] faith has made you
whole. And the woman was made whole from
that hour.’ She could have been experiencing any number of things; from
Hemorrhaging, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, infections in her pelvic organs which
could have been caused by Sexually Transmitted Infections to Uterine Fibroids
or cancer of the cervix, uterus, ovaries or vagina. Whatever her condition, within a matter of minutes, what she’d been
struggling with for twelve years, was gone instantly. But again, oftentimes, healing
doesn’t happen that way.
Though you can have both, a miraculous
healing, it may not happen all at once. I don’t want to leave you with the
impression that yours will. Neither do I want you to be discouraged if after
reading this post you still experience symptoms. Because if you do, that
doesn’t mean you’re not healed. It just
means that you are ‘a-wenting’. A
term coined by one the greatest healing Evangelists of our time, the late Dr.
Oral Roberts. He used this term because
in Luke 17:11-14, we find ten lepers. “…[Jesus]…met…ten men who were lepers…and
they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”…So…He
said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the
priests.” And so it was that as they went, they
were cleansed.” Notice the lepers were healed…as they went.
Recovery Mode
As they went infers that they weren't cleansed on the spot. This is because their healing came in the process of time. And though immediate miracles do occur, more often than not, God will heal you through recovery. Right now, you may be in pain and/or experiencing symptoms. But that does not negate the fact that you're healed! You're simply in recovery mode which could take weeks, months, or even years. But until you receive the full manifestation of your healing, don't be fearful if the doctor's report doesn't change, and don't be discouraged if you still experience symptoms. Just remember to keep doing your job which is to believe, ' Him whom [God] sent.' No matter the diagnosis and no matter the symptoms, you are healed. You're just in recovery mode.
Bro. Kenneth Copeland explains it this way. He said one day he asked God why it was that when he laid hands on some, they were instantly healed, while others walked away in the same condition. God spoke to his heart and said that, 'Healing always comes.' He assured Bro. Copeland that as long as he released his faith, whether they received it then or ten years later, healing would still be available whenever their faith level was ready to receive it. I know that to be true because I too am a Stage IV child cancer survivor. Though I lost my eye to Retinablastoma in 1976, I still have great vision today. When the specialists said that removing the tumor would either cause death, immobility or blindness, God honored the mustard seed faith of my grandmother and kept her grand baby alive. Though I've never supported Komen in the past,
I am so thankful that I got to virtually do so today; via treadmill and prayer because I too am a cancer survivor. So thick chicks, no matter your weight or condition, know that God is a healer!
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