Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Want To

So...I did it again. The BMW Dallas Marathon was today. Not the 5k but the marathon, marathon where the runners run 26 mile. I say 26 miles. But I'm not a runner. I'm a power walker and thick girl jogger. So ya girl did another 5k and guess what? I beat yesterday's time!!!! Yesterday I would have come in 809th place at a whooping speed of 46.06 minutes. Today, I held down 764th place at a lighting fast speed of 43.04 minutes. What? How I am just going to shave 3.02 minutes off my time in less than 24 hours? Because I wanted to.

That statement within itself is sobering because it tells me that when I WANT TO DO something, I DO IT. The other sobering part about that statement is that I realize that I really haven't WANTED TO lose weight. Don't get me wrong. I don't like the fact that I weigh 25 lbs. more than two time Super Bowl champion and Hall of Famer, Deion Sanders. But the truth is that I do. Which means I WANT TO. That sounds strange but I have to be truthful to myself and so should you. 

Why is it that we want to be overweight? Don't get me wrong. I have no desire to be anything smaller than a 10, maybe a 12 and most definitely a 14. I enjoy being the thick chick that always gets double takes. That's fine. But at some point, I am going to have to WANT TO stay in shape. In season, and out. No pun intended Mr. Sanders. Thick chicks, you and I are going to have to get this thang together. If you down, then I'll ride with you. No pun intended. #bmwdallasmarathon2019

Saturday, December 8, 2018

BMW Dallas Marathon

So I did it again. I found out about the BMW Dallas Marathon yesterday afternoon. And don't get me wrong. Had I have found out sooner, I would not have attended. But I so enjoy using the excuse that I didn't find out until the day before. Makes my thick girl flesh feel a little better about not being there. But I didn't let that stop me from participating...virtually! 

Yep! Ya girl did it again. Just like I participated in the Komen Race for the Cure from home in October, in true thick chick fashion, I did the same for this BMW Dallas Marathon. In fact, this is my second 5k this year. Technically, it's my second in two months. Yep 2 for 2 baby! I'm outchea mane! Say what you want, but the fact that I participated from the house says a lot and means a lot to me. I mean yeah, I won't get the bonus medal, coffee mug, hat or the customer finisher jacket. But I did participate.

And judging by the results, I would have come in 809th place, right after Karole J. (807th place) and Zach S. (808th place) who came in at 46:04 and 46:05 respectively. Whoo hoo! That's pretty good. Mr. Rodolfo M came in at 962nd place at 1.35:21. And to him I salute because at least he was there.

That does say 3 miles in 46.06 minutes. #what

But all that aside, don't let the fact that you're out of shape or broke stop you from doing what you really want to do. Do I like saying that I virtually participated in two 5k's this year...yes. But that's not the point. The point is that I didn't let any of that stop me. I participated anyway; even if it was shade tree. And so should you. Whatever it is you want to do, do it; even if it is a shade tree version. 2019 is coming so put a real time and virtual (shade tree) plan together of what it is you're going to do. Then just do it. #letsgo #thickchicksrock #thickchicksandwellness #thickhealthychicks

Be sure to follow me on the Gram @ thickchicksandwellness